Week 23 has been filled with a lot of nothing. Getting a few resumes out, filing some notes from the last module, sleeping in, reading a book and just a whole bunch of other miscellaneous stuff. It has been good to just relax.
Had some family come to visit for the week. Took them to see "Fort Henry" and the lookout deck at "Thousand Islands". Dropped in on the Penitentiary Museum and Sir John A McDonald's house. All and all, just a lot of stuff I haven't had time to take in since arriving here in Kingston.
Quite a few people who are from this part of Canada have taken the opportunity to return home for Thanksgiving (i.e. Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, London, etc.). That still leaves those of us from other areas here to spend the holiday in Kingston. So, I have taken it upon myself to organize a Thanksgiving potluck dinner. Not only is it going to be fun, but it will allow some of my classmates who are from out of country to experience the holiday as it was meant to be experienced. I say "some" since I'm not sure how many of them are planning to attend.
That's all for this week. Back to relaxing.
Informasi Terkini
11 years ago
Could you possibly talk about the sort of repercussions that the global economy is having on the recruitments at the campus? or is it too early to say?
I only want it to be clear that this is my opinion and the opinion of a few others I have discussed this with in the program. What is really happening will only be told by history.
From what I have heard, many companies are being a little more selective on who they are interviewing. In addition there are fewer positions available (e.g. 3 insteady of 5). Also, some of the "rumoured" offers are a little lower. All of this is a result of things slowing down and other qualified people entering the labour market.
One clear distinction should be made between Canada and the US. From what I have heard Canada is still relatively strong even if things are slowing. Some firms in the US have come to a grinding halt. In otherword, although Canada may be slow, at least we still have job opportunities.
One person I talked to was a tad bit concerned since they were thinking of going to UAE for banking. However, one of their contacts mentioned that there were a large number of applicants from Europe and the US. A lot of them ex-bank employees and looking for work as a result of certain closures and downsizing.
However, all is not dark! I distinctly remember a particular CEO who talked with us a few weeks ago (although it seems like eons). Bruce was quite confident that getting into these firms, both banking and non-banking, was difficult in these times, but the effort well worth it. He has seen many a career made by someone entering the industry in a downturn and watched as they have been catapulted to the top during the ensuing recovery and boom.
Hope this helps and I will be sure to post this as it's own entry.
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