Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Queen's expands program for class of 2010

A note from the director of the full-time MBA program, Scott Carson, has been circulated confirming that the class size will be larger for next year along with a few other changes.

Here are the changes that have been made:
  • First, Queen's is going to be piloting a three day pre-MBA in the week before the orientation begins. It will take place over three days, one day on each of statistics, accounting and finance. The objective is to help students to become familiar with the subjects and get a head-start before courses begin.
  • Second, the MBA Curriculum Committee is going to strike a subcommittee to review the electives section of the program to see what changes could or should be made.
  • Third, the class size will be increased to 110 students. The benefit is that some employers who currently don't recruit on campus would find it attractive to come if there were more candidates for them to meet. Also, bringing senior business people to the School to speak would be helped if they could be assured a somewhat larger audience.
  • Finally, if the class could be split for teaching purposes, the class size could be lowered. Having 75 students in class is not a problem, but having two classes of 55 could create a more intimate setting. In order not to lose the community feeling that students enjoy at Queen's the administration will ensure that each student and team has the experience of working with all of the others. One way of doing this is to rotate one quarter of the teams between the two classrooms every second module.

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